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Before & Afters - Mommy Makeover


This is a healthy lady that has had several pregnancies.  She wished some improvement in her torso.  She had prior breast implants.  She wished her breasts enlarged and elevated.  She wanted her abdomen contoured as well as her flanks, trochanters, and thighs.  She underwent a series of several operations.  The first was an augmentation/mastopexy and the second operation was a tummy tuck with suctioning and fat grafting, and then a small revisional operation to touch up the liposuction and further fat graft her buttock.  She is about 2 months out following the last operation. She has gotten a very nice result.  Her buttock is more full and rounded and she has a more feminine contour across her flanks and waist.  


Photos submitted by Dr. Owen-#54355


This is a healthy, statuesque lady that had a gastric bypass almost 20 years ago.  She went from 240lbs. down to 150lbs.  She wished some improvement in her torso and her breasts.  She was mainly loose skin on her torso with just a little fat.  Her abdominal muscles had stretched out some and she has a diastasis.  On her breasts, she wished them to be larger and back up on her chest.  She wanted some fullness in the upper poles.  In the office she tried the various trials and she chose something in the low 300cc range.  We did the augmentation with the mastopexy first and we used 330cc gel implants. She recovered nicely from this and then subsequently proceeded with the belt lipectomy.  This nicely shaped and flattened her abdomen.  It removed the elevated skin and flattened her mons.  On her backside, it converted the “B” shaped contour to a more feminine “S” contour.  It also helped shape and tighten some of the cascading fat across her buttock.  She has gotten an outstanding result.  This is about as good as you could expect.  She is quite pleased.  The before pictures are several months prior to the augmentation and the after pictures are about two months following the augmentation/mastopexy and the belt lipectomy.


Photos submitted by Dr. Owen-#55947

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This is a healthy lady who had a prior augmentation mastopexy with saline implants.  At that time, her nipple areolar complexes were large and I was not able to get all the areola pigment out of the mastopexy. There was some areola pigment left on the midline scar associated with the mastopexy.  She wished her breasts rounded and the pigment removed from the breast skin.  She also was participating in a fitness competition and wanted to minimize the animation seen with submuscular implants.  She had children and had some loose skin on her abdomen.  All of her muscles were tight.  At the time of the redo aug/mastopexy with conversion to a subglandular plane, she had an abdominoplasty.  The scar was placed low where it could be hidden within intimate clothing.  This resulted in an elevated, flattened, and triangular mons.  The suctioning gave some contour to the midline of the abdomen and at the junction between the rectus abdominis muscles and the external obliques.  She has gotten a very nice result.  The scars are only 2 months out and they will continue to fade over time.


Photos submitted by Dr. Owen

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