Before & Afters - Fat Grafting
This is a 40YO lady who has had some significant weight loss. However she has a large, hanging abdominal panniculus. She was quite full in the flank area posteriorly. Her buttocks were also flattened. She underwent a belt lipectomy with fat grafting to the buttocks. You can see that the buttocks are now filled out much better and have a much better shape. Also, the posterior view shows much more curvature to her waist area. Now from the back view, she has a more feminine shape. This is markedly improved and allows her to wear much more stylish clothing.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-#52675
This is a 48YO lady who complained of a flattened buttock. She had problems wearing jeans because her butt was so flat. She underwent a Brazilian butt lift which is fat injections into the buttocks area. This has now given her a much better contour to her buttocks area. She can now fill out any type clothing that she desires.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-#50739
This young lady actually presented in our office for reconstruction of her breasts following double mastectomies for breast cancer. Part of her reconstructive efforts involved fat grafting to improve the contour of the reconstructed breast. We chose her flanks for the donor site. We used the leftover fat to improve the contour of her bottom. We had just enough fat left over to improve the roundness of her bottom but not so much the projection. She is shown about 3 months after her surgery. The contour will continue to improve. This operation tends to change the buttock and flank contour from a “double B” to an “S shape” which is a more feminine shape. It also tends give more definition to the buttock. She got a very nice improvement of the contour on her backside and the improvement in the breasts themselves
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen-#51137
This is a young lady that wished improvement in her contour. She had in conjunction with an abdominoplasty, suctioning of her flanks and fat injections in her buttocks. She underwent a Brazilian butt lift. Shown are her pre and post op photographs of her flanks and buttocks. Suctioning gives a more feminine concave contour and a better defined waist. It also helps define the upper portions of the buttock. Her fat grafts were placed primarily to improve the roundness appearance of the buttock and not so much projection. This procedure gives a more “S” shaped curvature to the lower back and buttock. It changes her backside contour from a square shape to a more A shape, which is more feminine contour. This procedure can be done alone or in combination with other contouring procedures. The extent of the fat grafting of the buttock can be used to give more projection, or more rounded appearance, depending on the desires of the patient.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen-#51569
This is a 55YO lady that has been showing progressive aging in her hands. She has lost subcutaneous tissue in the hands and this has made the veins and tendons quite visible. It has also made the skin look wrinkly and creped. She underwent fat grafting to the top of her hands. These fat grafts should be permanent. The veins are not very prominent now and you cannot see the tendons in the hands. The skin quality looks much better and her hands have a much more youthful looking appearance. This is a procedure that can be done in the office.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-#46252
This is a lady that had a lot of excessive fat in the flank area as well as loose skin and fat in the abdomen. She had a very flat buttock. She wanted liposuction of the flanks and fat injections into the buttocks. This was done and now she has a much better shape of the waist area and a projecting buttock. This fat has been in there over 2 months. Usually fat injections will live and remain in place permanently after they have been in place for around 2 months.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-#52189