Before & Afters - Upper & Lower Eyelids
This is a 50YO lady that had some excessive hooding in her upper lids. Also, she had puffiness in the lower lids. As you can tell, she has darkness in the lower lids as well. The darkness in the lower lids is caused by some hollowness due to excessive fat in the lower lids forming a trough. Also there is some excessive pigment in the lower lids. She underwent an upper and lower lid blepharoplasty followed by a chemical peel on the lower lids. The chemical peel helps fine wrinkling and bleaches out the darkness. All in all, she has gotten a nice result.
Photos Submitted by Dr. Feagin - 53034 10/02/2023kf
This is a 55YO lady that was concerned with excessive puffiness and loose skin around her eyes. She underwent upper and lower lid blepharoplasty with fat grafting in the lower lid area. As you can see preoperatively, she has excessive skin and hooding in the upper lids. She hoods over quite far laterally. In the lower lids you can see puffiness right under the eyes and sharp indentations which is the argus marginalis. This is where the fat of the cheek has drifted down where the bone is and leaves and indention. To correct the lower lids, I will remove fat that is front of the argus marginalis and add fat in the area of the argus marginalis. As you can see now she has a smooth junction between the lower eyelid and her cheek area.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-53034
This is a 60YO lady that had extreme laxity of skin in the upper lids with excessive fat. In the lower lids she had bags of fat in both lids. She also had a previous scar in the left lower lid area.
She underwent an upper and lower lid blepharoplasty with some fat grafting in the lower lids. This procedure is done through outpatient at the hospital. They are also often done in the office.
As you can see from her pre and post op photos, she has gotten a really nice result. She has a much more youthful appearance.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-53862
This is a 48YO lady that I was seeing about an extreme amount of puffiness in the upper and lower lids. She has excessive skin and herniated fat in the upper lids as well as herniated fat in the lower lids. She underwent a bilateral blepharoplasty. She had some fat grafting to the lower lids to help some of the indentions. As you can see, her eyes are much brighter now. The puffiness in the upper and lower lids is gone.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-55571
This is a 41 YO lady that I saw for excessive bags under her lower lids. Also, she was somewhat flattened in the cheek area and under her lids. She underwent a lower lid blepharoplasty and fat grafting to the orbital area. As you can see post operatively, these bags have been resolved and also the rings and darkness in the lower lids have been resolved. This is done as an outpatient procedure in the office.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-49875
This is a 67YO lady that desires some cosmetic improvement of her eyes. She has some puffiness and hooding in the upper lids as well as puffiness in the lower lids. She underwent an upper and lower lid blepharoplasty. As you can see from the pre-op and postop pictures, she looks significantly better. This procedure is usually done in the office.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-54923
This is a 45YO lady who complains of excessive puffiness of her lower lids. She also has dark circles under the lower lids. This puffiness is caused by excessive fat in the lower lids. On the post op photos, you can see where the fat was removed from the pockets of the lower lids. I then added fat in a lower portion of the lower lid area to help fill in the indentions in the lower lids. This significantly rejuvenates the appearance of the eyes. This procedure is done in the office with IV sedation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-50750
This is a 50YO gentleman that is having problems with vision from both eyes. His brows are quite low and asymmetrical however his lids have a lot of excessive skin and fat. The lash margin is covering the upper portion of the pupil in the pre-op view. He underwent a blepharoplasty and a levator advancement. He has gotten a really nice result and it has brightened up his face and improved his vision. These procedures are done through outpatient at the hospital.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin - 56840 04/22/24kf
This is a 50YO lady from Enterprise, Alabama who desired some cosmetic improvement of her eyelids. Her main problem is the excessive puffiness and dark circles in her lower lids. Also, the lower lids are starting to hollow. She underwent a lower lid blepharoplasty and fat grafting to the lower lids. After she healed from the blepharoplasty and fat grafting, we did a chemical peel. You can see how much smoother the lower lids look and the darkness and fine wrinkling has almost been totally eliminated. Her eyes now appear much more youthful and a lot brighter.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-52579
This is a 63-year-old gentleman who presents with problems with his vision. He also complains of excessive puffiness in his upper lids. He also notes that he gets tired in the afternoons and has trouble holding his eyes open. Prior to surgery, he does have some asymmetry of his eyes. His right eye is lower than the left eye. He has a lot of excessive skin and herniated fat in the upper lids. He underwent a bilateral upper lid blepharoplasty. Now he sees better and looks much more vibrant. Insurance paid for his procedure in its entirety.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-49446
This is a 50YO lady that had scarring in her forehead area. She had a transverse scar around the upper nose and upper lid area on the right side as well as one vertically on the left side. She has a transverse one in the right forehead too. I was able to treat these with fat grafting which eradicated the scars.
Fat grafting is a procedure where I remove fat from one area of the body and transfer it to another area. This can be done as an outpatient procedure in the hospital. As you can see in her post op photos, this has greatly improved the scarring on her face.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-53662
This is a lady that had extreme puffiness in the upper lids with hooding over quite far laterally. In the lower lids, she has puffiness from excessive fat and also had a prominent argus marginalis of the lower lids with a tear trough deformity. She underwent an upper lid blepharoplasty and a lower lid transconjunctival blepharoplasty with fat grafting. As you can see, her eyes appear much brighter. On the lower lids the bags and puffiness are gone as well as the sharp indention that starts about ½ “below the margin of the lower lid. The fat grafting really helped these areas.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-53705
This is a 36YO gentleman that desires some cosmetic improvement of his lower eyelids. He has a lot of puffiness and darkness in the lower eyelids. The puffiness is fat which will be directly excised. He has a ring or circle in the lower eyelids which has caused the argus marginalis and this is due to loss of fat in the lower portion of the eyelid where in the upper portion of the eyelid he has excessive fat. He underwent a bilateral lower lid blepharoplasty and fat grafting to the lower lids. Post op pictures are taken 2 years after the pre-op pictures. This shows the long lasting results of the grafted fat in the lower lids. This procedure is usually done as an outpatient procedure in my office.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-53571
This is a 60YO lady that had extreme laxity of skin in the upper lids with excessive fat. In the lower lids she had bags of fat in both lids. She also had a previous scar in the left lower lid area.
She underwent an upper and lower lid blepharoplasty with some fat grafting in the lower lids. This procedure is done through outpatient at the hospital. They are also often done in the office.
As you can see from her pre and post op photos, she has gotten a really nice result. She has a much more youthful appearance.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-#54785
This is a 63YO gentleman who complained of excessive puffiness in his lower lids. He also had prominent rings around the lower lid area. This is due to the fact that he had too much fat accumulated in the upper portion of the lower lid and had lost volume and fat in the lower portion of the upper lid. This caused a marked indention below the fat area.
Post op pictures show him after we have removed the excessive fat in the upper lids as well as fat grafted the lower lid area and the cheek area.
This procedure is done in the office with IV sedation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-#54947
This is a 50YO lady that complains of puffiness in the upper and lower lids. She has dark circles under the lower lids and prominent indentions under the lower lids. She has people ask her why she is so tired all the time even though she does not actually feel tired.
She underwent an upper and lower lid blepharoplasty with fat grafting to the areas of indentions in the lower lids. This procedure is done as an outpatient procedure. Insurance will often pay for a portion of this procedure.
People are usually off work around 5 days if they do office type work.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-#55051
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