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Before & Afters - "Brazilian" Butt Lift (Augmentation)


This is a lady who was thick in the flank area and did not have as much fullness in her buttocks as she desired.  She underwent liposuction of her flanks with fat grafting to her buttocks.  As you can see she now has a really good shape to her waist and her buttocks.  This procedure was done as an outpatient.

Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin - 55763                                                                                                                                     10/30/2023kf

48114 LIPO AND FAT GRAFTING_edited.jpg

This is a 45YO lady that desires some liposuction of the waist and some fat grafting of her buttocks.  She is flattened in the buttocks and has no shaped to the waist area.  As you can see from the posterior view, her waist is now shaped up quite nicely.  There is now fullness in her buttocks and a better shape.  On the side view you can see how much the buttocks has been filled out with fat grafting.  She now fills out her blue jeans and pants.  This procedure is done through outpatient. 


Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-48114

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This is a 39YO lady who desired some reshaping of her abdomen, flanks, and buttocks area.  Her buttock is flattened and she would like to have more projection of this.  Also, with the extra fat in the flank area, it camouflages the nice shape of the buttocks.  I liposuctioned the flanks and used the processed fat and injected it into the buttocks.  She now has much more projection of the buttocks.  On the back view, she has a nice curve to the waist area as well as a nice contour to the buttocks.  I also did an abdominoplasty on her at the same time.


Photos Submitted by Dr. Feagin


This is a 48YO lady that complained of lack of fullness in her buttocks with sagging skin.  She had excessive skin as well as loss of volume in the buttocks.  She underwent a belt lipectomy and a Brazilian butt lift.  She now has a very good shape to her buttocks with fullness and no more hanging, loose tissue. 


Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-#50739


This is a 50YO lady that had no contour to her flanks or buttocks area.  She had a lot of irregularities in the buttocks with indentions in the buttocks area as well as fullness in the flank area.  She underwent a Brazilian butt lift with fat injections to the buttocks.  She had so much excessive loose skin in her buttocks area that we actually had to excise some skin and advance some of the buttocks tissue superiorly.  Now she has a good shape to her buttocks and she looks good in all of her clothes. 


Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-#54058


This is a lady who wanted more prominence in her buttocks.  Also she had a protuberant abdomen.  We did a combination of a Brazilian butt lift and an abdominoplasty on her.  Now you can see that her abdomen is much flatter and she has more projection and fullness in her buttocks. 


Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin-#55098

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